sis俚语 ,你们见过吗?
1. "Sus"
According to Urban Dictionary, “sus” is synonymous with scandalous or doing something wrong in some way. According to PopSugar, “sus” comes from the word “suspect” and is basically the internet’s new word for shady.
根据Urban Dictionary, sus在某种程度上是丑闻或做错事的同义词。根据PopSugar,“sus”来源于“suspect”一词,基本上是互联网上表示“shady”的新词。
2. "Snatched"
According to Urban Dictionary, “snatched” is a popular term in the gay community and refers to something good or, more commonly, a positive note to someone’s appearance. According to PopSugar, “Snatched” is the new “fleek”. More often than not the word is used to refer to something about a person’s appearance.
根据Urban Dictionary,“grab”是同性恋群体中很流行的一个词,指的是好事,或者更常见的是指对某人外貌的正面评价。根据PopSugar,“grab”就是新的“fleek”。这个词通常用来指一个人的外貌。
3. "Boots"
According to The Online Slang Dictionary’s website, “boots” is synonymous with ugly and unattractive.
4. “Sis”
According to PopSugar, “sis” is the new “bro”. Basically, however you would have used “bro” before, you can now use “sis" instead. So, I guess it’s an affectionate term for friends.
5. “Doggo” or “Puppo”
These terms are basically just cutesy ways of saying dog and puppy.
6. “Stan”
According to PopSugar, “Stan” is now internet slang for someone who is a hardcore fan and it originated with a Eminem song about an obsessed fan.
7. “Swole"
According to Urban Dictionary, “swole” refers to being muscular or buff. Bustle is predicting that “swole” will stay mainstream next year, as fitness trends become more and more prominent in mainstream media (people will be“getting swole”).
根据Urban Dictionary,“swole”指肌肉发达或健美。Bustle预测,随着健身趋势在主流媒体上越来越突出,明年“swole”将继续成为主流。
8. “Extra”
According to PopSugar, when someone calls you “extra” they are implying that you are trying too hard or being dramatic. For example, Titus from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was always “so extra”.
9. “OTP”
According to PopSugar, “OTP” is an acronym for “One True Pairing” and refers to a couple (generally famous or fictional) that you’re emotionally invested in (like Ron and Hermione were for the Harry Potter generation).
According to Urban Dictionary, “clapback” is the new “come back” and refers to responding to negativity (sometimes with attitude or sass). According to Bustle, the slang term “clapback” originated with a hit song from 2003.
根据Urban Dictionary的解释,“clapback”是新的“come back”,指的是对消极情绪(有时是态度或粗鲁)做出反应。根据Bustle,俚语“clapback”起源于2003年的一首热门歌曲。
马桶尿垢是每个家庭都会遇到的问题,它不仅影响卫生,还会影响美观。那么,马桶尿垢太多怎么处理呢?1️⃣ 酸性清洁剂马桶尿垢的主要成分是尿酸结晶,因此使用酸性清洁剂可以有效地去除马桶尿垢。你可以在超市或者卫浴店购买到专门的马桶清洁剂,或者使用白醋、柠檬酸等酸性物质来清洁马桶。2️⃣ 钢丝球如果马桶尿垢太[详细]
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