
俚语是一整套独特的需要专门学习的词汇体系。每个世代都有不同的俚语。年长的人会用“cool”或“groovy”形容一次很棒的聚会。下个世代的人会用“rad”和“awesome”这样的词。而今天的年轻人会说,“That party was lit!”脏字也是这样。每个世代都用不同的脏话。

Should Use Slang or Swear Words When Speaking Professional English?
Using English slangs or swearing during a conversation can be tricky, especially in a professional situation. Is there ever an appropriate time to use slang or swear when speaking English? The truth is, both can be an effective way to communicate if used properly.
For example, Tony Robbins is a world-renowned motivational speaker. He has coached the top leaders and CEOs in business. Many are surprised then, of how much slang and swear words he uses during his seminars. But in his case, it is highly effective. Why? Because using that type of language makes him more approachable and relatable to his audience. He likes to surprise people to get them ready for transformation and knows that language is one way to do it.
At the same time, I have seen other speakers use slangs and swearing to the opposite effect of Tony Robbins. They quickly alienate their audience. This also happens during business presentations and meetings.
Here are five tips to follow to understand how to use slang or swear when learning to speak professional English.
Tip 1: Know Your Vocabulary
Slang is a whole other form of vocabulary to learn. Slang also changes from generation to generation. Older people might say a party is, “cool” or “groovy” when it is great. This has changed into words like “rad” and “awesome” for the next generation. Today, young people will say, “That party was lit!” The same applies for swear words. Swears have changed from generation to generation.
Tip 2: Know Your Audience
This is essential. When we speak to children, we never use adult language or complicated vocabulary. This would be irrelevant, and they wouldn’t understand anyway. It is the same with business professionals. Always keep your audience in mind. If necessary, do some upfront research. A good technique is to say nothing for a while and just listen to gather information.
Tip 3: Follow What the Boss Does
Just because an employee uses casual and colorful language, it does not mean everybody should. I always like to observe the person with the highest authority in the room, like the boss. If the boss uses slang, I will use it at the same level. If the boss likes to swear, I will sometimes swear as well to build a connection. (I don’t like to swear a lot, but I do find it effective for certain situations.)
Tip 4: Try a Test and Observe
Sometimes, I will use a slang term or swear to get attention. But I am careful to test it out first. I will try and say something a little risky and see how people react. If they smile, I know to increase the level of intensity when appropriate. If people look disgusted or horrified, I will quickly apologize. If I get no reaction at all, I typically will stay with professional language.
Tip 5: Use What Fits You
If I started to use the exact slangs my teenage sons use, I would simply look foolish. You never want to look like you are trying too hard to impress people with slang or swear words. Make sure to use the language that fits you and stay true to yourself.
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