Confucius' 2 Articles on Filial Piety in the Analects of Confucius
A disciple of Confucius asked him the same question as the above. Confucius answered! “The duty for a good son nowadays means only to be able to support his parents. But you also keep your dogs and horse alive. If there is no feeling of love and respect, where is the difference?”
【Vernacular】Ziyou asked how to be filial. Confucius said, "Many people today understand filial piety simply as supporting one's parents. Aren't dogs and horses also owned, and if parents are not respected, what is the difference between raising dogs and horses.
Another disciple asked the same question. Confucius answered! “The difficulty is with the expression of your look.That merely when anything is to be done the young people do it, and when there is food and wine the old folk are allowed to enjoy it! —do you think that is the whole duty of a good son?”
Zi Xia asked what filial piety was, and Confucius said, "In front of your parents, it is difficult to always be pleasant. If there are things, young people will help to do it, and if there is wine and rice, let the elders eat it, is this filial piety.
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